Friday, March 6, 2009

Who Knew Car Trips Could Be So Much Fun

I grew up at a time when care trips were nothing to write home about. It took forever to get there. I didn't have an Ipod or hand held noise maker. I just had my knack for I Spy and a good Judy Bloom book to read. Well things have changes. We have learned to be creative as a family.

Last spring we drove to McCurtain County Oklahoma to visit Broken Bow Lake. Although they had movies, video games, and music to zone out too we found our quality time to be quite special. In between the movies and video games we talked about what was happening in school, what was the latest gossip, who at school was doing drugs, and who they had a crush on. We learned a lot about what our children deal with everyday in school and had a new found respect for how hard it is to been a kid.

When we got to Broken Bow the family dispursed to their respective favorite activities. The hubby golfed, fished, and boated. The kids swam, hiked and kayaked and I....enjoyed every minute of it and it was the best road trip I ever had. Our Broken Bow family time was something to write home about and I feel we got closer because of it.